Law of the Sea, 1958

United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea
Geneva, 24 February — 27 April 1958
Volume I:
Preparatory Documents
[Entries are hyperlinked]
Document No. Title
A/CONF.13/1 Historic bays
A/CONF.13/2 Scientific considerations relating to the continental shelf
and Add.1
A/CONF.13/3 The economic and scientific basis of the principle of abstention, by Richard van Cleve
A/CONF.13/4 The law of the air and the draft articles concerning the law of the sea adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session, by E. Pépin
A/CONF.13/5 and Add.l to 4 Comments by Governments on the draft articles concerning the law of the sea adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session
A/CONF.13/6 and Add.1 A brief geographical and hydrographical study of straits which constitue routes for international.traffic, by Commander R. H. Kennedy
A/CONF.13/7 The relation between the draft articles concerning the law of the sea adopted by the International Law Commission and international agreements dealing with the suppression of the slave trade
A/CONF.13/8 Pollution of the sea by oil
A/CONF.13/9 Provisional agenda (For the text of the agenda, as adopted at the 1st plenary meeting of the Conference, see Official Records of the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, volume II)
A/CONF.13/10 Provisional rules of procedure (For the text of the rules of procedure, as adopted at the
1st and 2nd plenary meetings of the Conference, see Official Records of the
United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, volume II)
A/CONF.13/11 Method of work and procedures of the Conference: report of the Secretary-General
A/CONF.13/12 Technical particulars concerning the methods of fishing conducted by means of equipment embedded in the floor of the sea
A/CONF.13/13 Examination of living resources associated with the sea bed of the continental shelf with regard to the nature and degree of their physical and biological association with such sea bed
A/CONF.13/14 Guide to instruments affecting the legal status of straits: document prepared by the Secretariat (Mimeographed)
A/CONF.13/15 A brief geographical and hydrographical study of bays and estuaries, the coasts of which belong to different states, by Commander R. H. Kennedy
A/CONF.13/16 The economic importance of the sea fisheries in different countries
A/CONF. 13/17 Bibliographical guide to the law of the sea: document prepared by the Secretariat (Mimeographed)
A/CONF.13/18 Certain legal aspects concerning the delimitation of the territorial water of archipelagos, by Jens Evensen
A/CONF.13/19 Verbatim record of the debate in the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly, at its eleventh session, relating to agenda item 53 (a) (Mimeographed)
A/CONF.13/20 Preparation of the Conference: report of the Secretary-General
A/CONF. 13/21 and Add.l and Corr.1 Reference guide to resolutions and records concerning the law of the sea adopted by world-wide or regional international conferences and meetings : document prepared by the Secretariat (Mimeographed)
A/CONF. 13/22 and Corr.1 Guide to decisions of international tribunals relating to the
law of the sea : document prepared by the Secretariat (Mimeographed)
A/CONF. 13/23 List in chronological order of international agreements relating to fisheries and other questions affecting the utilization and conservation of the resources of the sea: document prepared by the Secretariat (Mimeographed)
A/CONF.13/24 Information submitted by Governments regarding laws, decrees and regulations for the prevention of pollution of the seas (Mimeographed)
A/CONF. 13/25 Recent developments in the technology of exploiting the mineral resources of the continental shelf, by M. W. Mouton (Mimeographed)
A/CONF.13/26 The breadth of the safety zone for installations necessary for the exploration and exploitation of the natural resources of the continental shelf, by M. W. Mouton (Mimeographed)
A/CONF. 13/27 Supplement to the following three volumes of the United Nations Legislative Series: Laws and Regulations on the Regime of the High Seas, vols I and II, and Laws concerning the Nationality of ships (printed as a special Supplement in the United Nations Legislative Series)
A/CONF. 13/28 Resolutions by and communication from the International Council of Scientific Unions concerning part II, section III of the articles concerning the law of the sea (continental shelf): document transmitted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Mimeographed)
A/CONF.13/29 Question of free access to the sea of land-locked countries
and Add.1
A/CONF. 13/30 Table of references to comments by governments on the articles concerning the law of the sea adopted by the International Law Commission at its successive sessions and to the relevant statements in the Sixth Committee at the eleventh and previous sessions of the General Assembly (Mimeographed)
and Corr.1
A/CONF.13/31 Comments by the International Civil Aviation Organization on the draft articles concerning the law of the sea adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session
A/CONF. 13/32 Text of the draft articles concerning the law of the sea adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (See Official Records of the General Assembly, Eleventh
Session, Supplement No. 9 (A/3159))
A/CONF.13/33 Initial list of documents for the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (Mimeographed)
A/CONF.13/34 Agenda adopted by the Conference at its 1st plenary meeting (See Official Records of the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, volume II)
and Rev. 1
A/CONF 13/35 Rules of procedure adapted by the Conference at its 1st and 2nd plenary meetings (See Official Records of the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, volume II)
A/CONF.13/36 Comments by the World Health Organization on draft article 66 concerning the law of the sea adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session
Geneva, 24 February — 27 April 1958
Volume II:
Plenary Meetings
Summary records of meetings and Annexes
[Entries are hyperlinked]
Index of documents relating to the General Committee and to the plenary meetings
Resolution 1105 (XI) of the General Assembly of the United Nations convening the Conference
List of delegations
Officers of the Conference and its committees
Secretariat of the Conference
Rules of procedure
Summary records of plenary meetings
1st plenary meeting
Monday, 24 February 1958, at 3 p.m.
Opening of the Conference
Question of the representation of China
Election of the President
Adoption of the agenda
Adoption of the rules of procedure
2nd plenary meeting
Tuesday, 25 February 1958, at 3 p.m.
Appointment of a Credentials Committee
Adoption of the rules of procedure (concluded)
3rd plenary meeting
Wednesday, 26 February 1958, at 4 p.m.
Convening of the main committees
Election of Vice-Presidents
Organization of work
4th plenary meeting
Friday, 28 February 1958, at 10.45 a.m.
Organization of work (continued)
5th plenary meeting
Tuesday, 18 March 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Note verbale addressed to the President of the Conference by the Secretary-General of the United Nations
6th plenary meeting
Monday, 14 April 1958, at 3 p.m.
Report by the General Committee on the progress of the work of the Conference and on the appointment of the Drafting Committee
7th plenary meeting
Monday, 21 April 1958, at 10.15 a.m.
Consideration of proposals concerning the settlement of disputes
8th plenary meeting
Tuesday, 22 April 1958, at 10 a.m.
Consideration of the report of the Fourth Committee
9th plenary meeting
Tuesday, 22 April 1958, at 3 p.m.
Consideration of the report of the Fourth Committee (continued)
10th plenary meeting
Wednesday, 23 April 1958, at 10.15 a.m.
Consideration of the report of the Second Committee
11th plenary meeting
Wednesday, 23 April 1958, at 3.15 p.m.
Consideration of the report of the Second Committee (continued)
12th plenary meeting
Thursday, 24 April 1958, at 3 p.m.
Consideration of the report of the Fifth Committee
Consideration of the recommendations adopted by the General Committee concerning the procedure to be followed in dealing with the articles relating to the breadth of the territorial sea and the contiguous zone
13th plenary meeting
Friday, 25 April 1958, at 10.15 a.m.
Fourth report of the Drafting Committee of the Conference: proposals regarding the judicial settlement of disputes
14th plenary meeting
Friday, 25 April 1958, at 2.45 p.m.
Consideration of the report of the First Committee (Part I: articles 3 and 66) and of proposals relating to articles 3 and 66
15th plenary meeting
Friday, 25 April 1958, at 8.50 p.m.
Consideration of the report of the First Committee (Part I: articles 3 and 66) and of proposals relating to articles 3 and 66 (continued)
Consideration of the report of the Third Committee
16th plenary meeting
Saturday, 26 April 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Consideration of the report of the Third Committee (continued)
Consideration of the report of the Credentials Committee
17th plenary meeting
Saturday, 26 April 1958, at 3 p.m.
Sixth report of the Drafting Committee of the Conference: final clauses
Eighth report of the Drafting Committee of the Conference: judicial settlement of disputes
Consideration of the report of the Fourth Committee (continued)
18th plenary meeting
Saturday, 26 April 1958, at 8.30 p.m.
Consideration of the report of the Fourth Committee (concluded)
Adoption of the Convention on the Continental Shelf
Consideration of the report of the Third Committee (concluded)
Adoption of the Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources of the High Seas
Consideration of the report of the Second Committee (concluded)
Adoption of the Convention of the High Seas
19th plenary meeting
Sunday, 27 April 1958, at 11.30 a.m.
Consideration of the report of the First Committee (Part II: articles 1, 2 and 4 to 25)
20th plenary meeting
Sunday, 27 April 1958, at 3.30 p.m.
Consideration of the report of the First Committee (Part II: articles 1, 2 and 4 to 25) (concluded)
Adoption of the Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone
21st plenary meeting
Sunday, 27 April 1958, at 10.10 p.m.
Statements by the representatives of Guatemala, Mexico and the United Kingdom
Proposals for the convening of a new United Nations conference on the law of the sea
Tribute to the International Law Commission : proposal by Colombia
Closure of the Conference
United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea
Geneva, 24 February — 27 April 1958
Volume III:
First Committee
(Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone)
[Entries are hyperlinked]
Index to documents of the First Committee
Officers of the Committee
Summary records of meetings
1st meeting
Wednesday, 26 February 1958, at 4.10 p.m.
Election of the Chairman
2nd meeting
Friday, 28 February 1958, at 4.10 p.m.
Election of the Vice-Chairman
Election of the Rapporteur
3rd meeting
Monday, 3 March 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Organization of the work of the Committee
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the Interternational Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 1 to 25 and 66) (A/3159)
General debate
Statement by Mr. Shukairi (Saudi Arabia)
4th meeting
Tuesday, 4 March 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 1 to 25 and 66) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued)
Statements by Mr. Amado (Brazil), Mr. Ba Han (Burma), Mr. Sorensen (Denmark), Mr. Bocobo (Philippines) and Mr. Fattal (Lebanon)
5th meeting
Wednesday, 5 March 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 1 to 25 and 66) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued)
Statements by Mr. Ulloa Sotomayor (Peru) and Sir Reginald Manningham-Buller (United Kingdom)
6th meeting
Thursday, 6 March 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 1 to 25 and 66) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued)
Statements by Mr. Petren (Sweden), Mr. Verzijl (Netherlands), Mr. Boavida (Portugal), M. Monaco (Italy) and Mr. Aycinena Salazar (Guatemala)
7th meeting
Friday, 7 March 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 1 to 25 and 66) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued)
Statements by Mr. Subardjo (Indonesia), Mr. Sen (India), Mr. Iturralde (Bolivia), Mr. Baghdadi (Yemen) and Luang Chakrapani (Thailand)
8th meeting
Friday, 7 March 1958, at 3.30 p.m.
Appointment of a working party: proposal by Mexico (A/CONF.13/C.1/L.1)
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 1 to 25 and 66) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued)
Statements by Mr. Muhtadi (Jordan), Mr. Tabibi (Afghanistan) and Mr. Gros (France)
9th meeting
Monday, 10 March 1958, at 10.45 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 1 to 25 and 66) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued)
Statements by Mr. Wilson (New Zealand), Mr. Krispis (Greece), Mr. Martinez Montero (Uruguay), Mr. Carmona (Venezuela), Mr. Katicic (Yugoslavia) and Mr. Ohye (Japan)
10th meeting
Tuesday, 11 March 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 1 to 25 and 66) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued)
Statements by Mr. Dean (United States of America), Mr. Perera (Ceylon) and Mr. Barnes (Liberia)
11th meeting
Tuesday, 11 March 1958, at 3 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 1 to 25 and 66) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued)
Statements by Mr. Hsueh (China), the Marquis of Miraflores (Spain) and Mr. Asante (Ghana)
12th meeting
Wednesday, 12 March 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 1 to 25 and 66) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued)
Statements by Mr. Tunkin (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), Mr. Gutierrez Olivos (Chile), Mr. Alvarez Aybar (Dominican Republic), Mr. Glaser (Romania) and Mr. Comay (Israel)
13th meeting
Thursday, 13 March 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 1 to 25 and 66) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued)
Statements by Mr. Shukairi (Saudi Arabia), Mr. Garcia Amador (Cuba) and Mr. Gasiorowski (Poland)
14th meeting
Thursday, 13 March 1958, at 3 p.m.
Proposal by Mexico (A/CONF.13/C.l/L.l/Rev.l) (concluded)
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 1 to 25 and 66) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued)
Statements by Mr. Tuncel (Turkey), Mr. Ruiz Moreno (Argentina) and Mr. Belizaire (Haiti)
15th meeting
Friday, 14 March 1958, at 10.45 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 1 to 25 and 66) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued)
Statements by Mr. Subardjo (Indonesia), Mr. Kim (Republic of Korea), Mr. Abdesselem (Tunisia) and Mr. Pfeiffer (Federal Republic of Germany)
16th meeting
Friday, 14 March 1958, at 3 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 1 to 25 and 66) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued)
Statements by Mr. Lamani (Albania), Mr. Ruegger (Switzerland), Mr. Martinez-Moreno (El Salvador), Mr. Uribe Holguin (Colombia) and Mr. Sadaka (Lebanon)
17th meeting
Monday, 17 March 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 1 to 25 and 66) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued)
Statements by Mr. Bhutto (Pakistan), Mr. Muuls (Belgium), Mr. Drew (Canada), Mr. Caabasi (Libya) and Mr. Nguyen-Quoc-Dinh (Republic of Viet-Nam)
18th meeting
Monday, 17 March 1958, at 3 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 1 to 25 and 66) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued)
Statements by Mr. Stabell (Norway), Mr. Morrissey (Ireland), Mr. Trejos (Costa Rica), Mr. Beckman (Finland), Mr. Velilla (Paraguay) and Mr. Grigorov (Bulgaria)
19th meeting
Tuesday, 18 March 1958, at 3 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 1 to 25 and 66) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued)
Statements by Mr. Andersen (Iceland), Mr. Hood (Australia), Mr. Zourek (Czechoslovakia), Mr. Ponce y Carbo (Ecuador) and Mr. Ustor (Hungary)
20th meeting
Wednesday, 19 March 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 1 to 25 and 66) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued)
Statements by Mr. Garcia Robles (Mexico), Mr. Zakariya (Iraq) and Mr. Tadj-Bakhch (Iran)
21st meeting
Wednesday, 19 March 1958, at 3.15 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 1 to 25 and 66) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued)
Statements by Mr. Loutfi (United Arab Republic) and Mr. Koretsky (Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic)
Statement by Mr. Francois, Expert to the secretariat of the Conference
22nd meeting
Thursday, 20 March 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Organization of the work of the Committee (A/CONF.13/C.1/L.8) (continued)
Proposal by Ecuador for the postponement of the consideration of draft articles 1, 2, 3 and 66
23rd meeting
Friday, 21 March 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Organization of the work of the Committee (A/CONF.13/C.1/L.8) (continued)
Proposal of Ecuador for the postponement of the consideration of draft articles 1, 2, 3 and 66. (A/CONF.13/C.1/L.12) (concluded)
24th meeting
Friday, 21 March 1958, at 4 p.m.
Organization of the work of the Committee (A/CONF.13/C.1/L.8) (continued)
25th meeting
Tuesday, 25 March 1958, at 10.45 a.m.
Organization of the work of the Committee (A/CONF.13/C. 1/L.8) (continued)
Proposal of Panama for the setting-up of a subcommittee on historic bays (A/CONF.13/C.1/L.9)
Procedure for putting proposals to the vote
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 15 (Meaning of the right of innocent passage)
26th meeting
Wednesday, 26 March 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 15 (Meaning of the right of innocent passage) (continued)
Article 16 (Duties of the coastal State)
27th meeting
Thursday, 27 March 1958, at 10.45 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 17 (Rights of protection of the coastal State)
Article 18 (Duties of foreign ships during their passage)
Article 19 (Charges to be levied upon foreign ships)
Article 20 (Arrest on board a foreign ship)
28th meeting
Thursday, 27 March 1958, at 3 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 20 (Arrest on board a foreign ship) (continued)
Article 21 (Arrest of ships for the purpose of exercising civil jurisdiction)
Article 15 (Meaning of the right of innocent passage) (continued)
29th meeting
Friday, 28 March 1958, at 3 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 15 (Meaning of the right of innocent passage) (continued)
30th meeting
Saturday, 29 March 1958, at 10.45 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 15 (Meaning of the right of innocent passage) (continued)
Article 17 (Rights of protection of the coastal State) (continued)
Organization of the work of the Committee (continued)
Procedure for putting proposals to the vote (continued)
Address by the Secretary-General of the United Nations
31st meeting
Monday, 31 March 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 1, 2, 3 and 66 (Juridical status of the territorial sea; Juridical status of the air space over the territorial sea and of its bed and subsoil; Breadth of the territorial sea; Contiguous zone)
Article 15 (Meaning of the right of innocent passage) (continued)
32nd meeting
Tuesday, 1 April 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Organization of the work of the Committee (continued)
Procedure for putting proposals to the vote (continued)
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 17 (Rights of protection of the coastal State) (continued)
33rd meeting
Tuesday, 1 April 1958, at 8.30 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/ 3159) (continued)
Article 17 (Rights of protection of the coastal State) (continued)
Article 18 (Duties of foreign ships during their passage) (continued)
Article 15 (Meaning of the right of innocent passage) (continued)
34th meeting
Wednesday, 2 April 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 17 (Rights of protection of the coastal State (continued)
Article 18 (Duties of foreign ships during their passage) (continued)
35th meeting
Wednesday, 2 April 1958, at 3 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 18 (Duties of foreign ships during their passage) (continued)
Articles 1, 2, 3 and 66 (Juridical status of the territorial sea ; Juridical status of the air space over the territorial sea and of its bed and subsoil; Breadth of the territorial sea; Contiguous zone) (continued)
36th meeting
Thursday, 3 April 1958, at 10 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 1, 2, 3 and 66 (Juridical status of the territorial sea; Juridical status of the air space over the territorial sea and of its bed and subsoil; Breadth of the territorial sea; Contiguous zone) (continued)
Article 18 (Duties of foreign ships during their passage) (continued)
Article 15 (Meaning of the right of innocent passage) (continued)
37th meeting
Tuesday, 8 April 1958, at 3 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 1, 2, 3 and 66 (Juridical status of the territorial sea; Juridical status of the air space over the territorial sea and of its bed and subsoil; Breadth of the territorial sea; Contiguous zone) (continued)
Article 15 (Meaning of the right of innocent passage) (continued)
38th meeting
Wednesday, 9 April 1958, at 10.20 a.m.
Measures for expediting the work of the Conference : Report of the General Committee (A/CONF.13/L.8)
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 16 (Duties of the coastal State) (continued)
Article 19 (Charges to be levied upon foreign ships) (continued)
Article 20 (Arrest on board a foreign ship) (continued)
Article 21 (Arrest of ships for the purpose of exercising civil jurisdiction) (continued)
39th meeting
Wednesday, 9 April 1958, at 2.45 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 1, 2, 3 and 66 (Juridical status of the territorial sea; Juridical status of the air space over the territorial sea and of its bed and subsoil; Breadth of the territorial sea; Contiguous zone) (continued)
Article 21 (Arrest of ships for the purposes of exercising civil jurisdiction) (continued)
Article 22 (Government ships operated for commercial purposes); article 23 (Government ships operated for non-commercial purposes)
40th meeting
Thursday, 10 April 1958, at 10 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 1, 2, 3 and 66 (Juridical status of the territorial sea; Juridical status of the air space over the territorial sea and of its bed and subsoil; Breadth of the territorial sea; Contiguous zone) (continued)
Article 21 (Arrest of ships for the purposes of exercising civil jurisdiction) (continued)
Article 22 (Government ships operated for commercial purposes); article 23 (Government ships operated for non-commercial purposes (continued)
41st meeting
Thursday, 10 April 1958, at 8.30 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/ 3159) (continued)
Article 22 (Government ships operated for commercial purposes); article 23 (Government ships operated for non-commercial purposes) (continued)
Article 24 (Passage of warships)
Article 25 (Non-observance of the regulations)
42nd meeting
Friday, 11 April 1958, at 10.15 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 24 (Passage of warships) (continued)
Establishment of a drafting committee
43rd meeting
Friday, 11 April 1958, at 2.45 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 22 (Government ships operated for commercial purposes); article 23 (Government ships operated for non-commercial purposes) (continued)
Article 25 (Non-observance of the regulations) (continued)
Establishment of a working party to deal with amendments to article 5
44th meeting
Saturday, 12 April 1958, at 10 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 23 (Government ships operated for noncommercial purposes) (continued)
Articles 1, 2, 3 and 66 (luridical status of the territorial sea; Juridical status of the air space over the territorial sea and of its bed and subsoil; Breadth of the territorial sea; Contiguous zone) (continued)
45th meeting
Saturday, 12 April 1958. at 3 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International
Law Commission at its eighth session
(A/3159) (continued)
Article 23 (Government ships operated for noncommercial purposes) (continued)
Articles 1, 2, 3 and 66 (Juridical status of the territorial sea; Juridical status of the air space over the territorial sea and of its bed and subsoil; Breadth of the territorial sea; Contiguous zone) (continued)
Article 4 (Normal baseline)
46th meeting
Monday, 14 April 1958, at 3.30 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 8 (Ports)
Article 9 (Roadsteads)
47th meeting
Tuesday, 15 April 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 7 (Bays)
48th meeting
Tuesday, 15 April 1958, at 8.30 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 7 (Bays) (continued)
Article 23 (Government ships operated for non-commercial purposes) (continued)
Article 5 (Straight baselines)
49th meeting
Wednesday, 16 April 1958, at 10 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 1, 2, 3 and 66 (Juridical Status of the territorial sea ; Juridical status of the air space over the territorial sea and of its bed and subsoil; Breadth of the territorial sea; Contiguous zone) (continued)
50th meeting
Wednesday, 16 April 1958, at 3.15 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 1, 2, 3 and 66 (Juridical status of the territorial sea; Juridical status of the air space over the territorial sea and of its bed and subsoil; Breadth of the territorial sea; Contiguous zone) (continued)
51st meeting
Thursday, 17 April 1958, at 10 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Title of articles
Article 5 (Straight baselines) (continued)
52nd meeting
Thursday, 17 April 1958, at 2.45 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 5 (Straight baselines) (continued)
Article 4 (Normal baseline) (continued)
Article 10 (Islands)
53rd meeting
Friday, 18 April 1958, at 10 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 1, 2, 3 and 66 (Juridical status of the territorial sea ; Juridical status of the air space over the territorial sea and of its bed and subsoil; Breadth of the territorial sea; Contiguous zone) (continued)
54th meeting
Friday, 18 April 1958, at 3.15 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 1, 2, 3 and 66 (Juridical status of the territorial sea; Juridical status of the air space over the territorial sea and of its bed and subsoil; Breadth of the territorial sea; Contiguous zone) (continued)
55th meeting
Saturday, 19 April 1958, at 10.15 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 1, 2, 3 and 66 (Juridical status of the territorial sea; Juridical status of the air space over the territorial sea and of its bed and subsoil; Breadth of the territorial sea; Contiguous zone) (continued)
56th meeting
Saturday, 19 April 1958, at 2.45 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 1, 2, 3 and 66 (Juridical status of the territorial sea; Juridical status of the air space over the territorial sea and of its bed and subsoil; Breadth of the territorial sea; Contiguous zone) (continued)
57th meeting
Saturday, 19 April 1958, at 8.50 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 1, 2, 3 and 66 (Juridical status of the territorial sea; Juridical status of the air space over the territorial sea and of its bed and subsoil; Breadth of the territorial sea; Contiguous zone) (continued)
58th meeting
Monday, 21 April 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/ 3159) (continued)
Articles 1, 2, 3 and 66 (Juridical status of the territorial sea; Juridical status of the air space over the territorial sea and of its bed and subsoil; Breadth of the territorial sea; Contiguous zone) (continued)
59th meeting
Monday, 21 April 1958, at 2.25 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/ 3159) (continued)
Articles 1, 2, 3 and 66 (Juridical status of the territorial sea; Juridical status of the air space over the territorial sea and of its bed and subsoil; Breadth of the territorial sea; Contiguous zone) (continued)
60th meeting
Tuesday, 22 April 1958, at 10.20 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/ 3159) (continued)
Article 11 (Drying rocks and drying shoals)
Article 12 (Delimitation of the territorial sea in straits and off other opposite coasts); article 14 (Delimitation of the territorial sea of two adjacent States)
61st meeting
Tuesday, 22 April 1958, at 3 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 12 (Delimitation of the territorial sea in straits and off other opposite coasts); article 14 (Delimitation of the territorial sea of two adjacent States) (continued)
Article 13 (Delimitation of the territorial sea at the mouth of a river)
Consideration of the kind of instrument required to embody the results of the First Committee’s work
62nd meeting
Wednesday, 23 April 1958, at 2.45 p.m.
Consideration of the kind of instrument required to embody the results of the First Committee’s work (continued)
Title of articles (continued)
Motion for reconsiderat
63rd meeting
Thursday, 24 April 1958, at 3 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 7 (Bays) (concluded)
Additional article 14 A proposed by Japan
64th meeting
Friday, 25 April 1958, at 1.10 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 66 (Contiguous zone) (concluded)
Draft report of the First Committee: part one (articles 3 and 66)
65th meeting
Friday, 25 April 1958, at 9 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (concluded)
Adoption of the report by the Secretariat on the work of the Drafting Committee of the First Committee
Consideration of the kind of instrument required to embody the results of the First Committee’s work (concluded)
66th meeting
Saturday, 26 April 1958, at 9 p.m.
Draft report of the First Committee: part two (articles 1, 2 and 4 to 25)
Completion of the Committee’s work
Geneva, 24 February — 27 April 1958
Volume IV:
Second Committee
(High Seas: General Regime)
[Entries are hyperlinked]
Index to documents of the First Committee
Officers of the Committee
Summary records of meetings
1st meeting
Wednesday, 26 February 1958, at 4.45 p.m.
Election of the Chairman
2nd meeting
Friday, 28 February 1958, at 4.20 p.m.
Election of the Vice-Chairman
Election of the Rapporteur
3rd meeting
Monday, 3 March 1958, at 3 p.m.
Organization of the work of the Committee
4th meeting
Tuesday, 4 March 1958, at 3.15 p.m.
Expression of sympathy in connexion with the loss of the Turkish vessel Uskudar
Organization of the work of the Committee (continued)
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 26 to 48 and 61 to 65) (A/3159)
General debate:
Statements by Mr. Cardoso (Portugal), Mr. Riphagen (Netherlands) and Sir Alec Randall (United Kingdom)
5th meeting
Wednesday, 5 March 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 26 to 48 and 61 to 65) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued):
Statements by Mr. Dupont-Willemin (Guatemala) and Mr. Baz (Lebanon)
6th meeting
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 26 to 48 and 61 to 65) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued):
Statements by Mr. Oldenburg (Denmark), Mr. Bierzanek (Poland), Mr. Arreglado (Philippines) and Mr. Seyersted (Norway)
7th meeting
Monday, 10 March 1958, at 3 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 26 to 48 and 61 to 65) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued):
Statements by Mr. Vrtacnik (Yugoslavia), Mr. Uribe Holguin (Colombia), Mr. Tunkin (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) and Mr. Vitelli (Italy)
8th meeting
Tuesday, 11 March 1958, at 3.15 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 26 to 48 and 61 to 65) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued):
Statements by Mr. Ohye (Japan), Mr. Pfeiffer (Federal Republic of Germany), Mr. Sikri (India), Mr. Fay (Ireland), Mr. Wynes (Australia) and Sir Alec Randall (United Kingdom)
9th meeting
Thursday, 13 March 1958, at 3.15 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 26 to 48 and 61 to 65) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued):
Statements by Mr. Hanidis (Greece), Mr. Perera (Ceylon), Mr. Colclough (United States of America), Mr. Ghelmegeanu (Romania), Mr. Chit Hlaing
(Burma), Mr. Garcia-Sayan (Peru) and Mr. Machin (Spain)
10th meeting
Friday, 14 March 1958, at 3.15 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 26 to 48 and 61 to 65) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued):
Statements by Mr. Radouilsky (Bulgaria), Mr. Cardoso (Portugal), Mr. Leavey (Canada), Mr. Lutem (Turkey), Mr. Ben Salem (Tunisia) and Mr. Weeks
11th meeting
Monday, 17 March 1958, at 3.20 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 26 to 48 and 61 to 65) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued):
Statements by Mr. Shaha (Nepal), Mr. Matine-Daftary (Iran), Mr. Zourek (Czechoslovakia), Mr. Liu (China) and Mr. Hameed (Pakistan)
12th meeting
Tuesday, 18 March 1958, at 3.20 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 26 to 48 and 61 to 65) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued):
Statements by Mr. Jenks (International Labour Organisation), Mr. Mintz (Israel), Mr. Campos Ortiz (Mexico) and Mr. Ozores (Panama)
13th meeting
Wednesday, 19 March 1958, at 10.45 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 26 to 48 and 61 to 65) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued):
Statements by Mr. Pomes (Uruguay), Mr. Guarello (Chile), Mr. El Erian (United Arab Republic) and Mr. Koretsky (Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic)
Statement by Mr. Francois (Expert to the secretariat of the Conference)
14th meeting
Monday, 24 March 1958, at 3 p.m.
Organization of the work of the Committee (continued)
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Proposal by Peru to postpone discussion of articles 26, 27 and 47
Articles 26 (Definition of the high seas) and 27 (Freedom of the high seas)
15th meeting
Tuesday, 25 March 1958, at 3 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 26 (Definition of the high seas) and 27 (Freedom of the high seas) (continued)
16th meeting
Wednesday, 26 March 1958, at 10.50 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 26 (Definition of the high seas) and 27 (Freedom of the high seas) (continued)
17th meeting
Wednesday, 26 March 1958, at 3 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
New article, to be inserted after article 27, proposed by Czechoslovakia, Poland, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and Yugoslavia and draft resolution proposed by the United Kingdom
18th meeting
Thursday, 27 March 1958, at 3.20 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
New article, to be inserted after article 27, proposed by Czechoslovakia, Poland, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Yugoslavia and draft resolutions proposed by the United Kingdom and India (continued)
19th meeting
Friday, 28 March 1958, at 10.45 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 28 (The right of navigation), 34 (Safety of navigation), 35 (Penal jurisdiction in matters of collision) and 36 (Duty to render assistance)
20th meeting
Friday, 28 March 1958, at 3.15 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
New article, to be inserted after article 27, proposed by Czechoslovakia, Poland, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Yugoslavia and revised draft
resolution proposed by India (concluded)
Article 26 (Definition of the high seas) (concluded)
Article 27 (Freedom of the high seas) (continued)
21st meeting
Monday, 31 March 1958, at 10.45 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 27 (Freedom of the high seas) (continued)
22nd meeting
Monday, 31 March 1958, at 3 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 27 (Freedom of the high seas) (concluded)
Articles 28 (The right of navigation), 34 (Safety of navigation), 35 (Penal jurisdiction in matters of collision) and 36 (Duty to render assistance) (continued)
23rd meeting
Tuesday, 1 April 1958, at 3.15 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the Intemational Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 28 (The right of navigation), 34 (Safety of navigation), 35 (Penal jurisdiction in matters of collision) and 36 (Duty to render assistance) (continued)
Articles 29 (Nationality or ships), 30 (Status of ships) and 31 (Ships sailing under two flags)
24th meeting
Wednesday, 2 April 1958, at 3.20 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 29 (Nationality of ships), 30 (Status of ships) and 31 (Ships sailing under two flags) (continued)
Articles 32 (Immunity of warships) and 33 (Immunity of other government ships)
25th meeting
Thursday, 3 April 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 32 (Immunity of warships) and 33 (Immunity of other government ships) (continued)
26th meeting
Tuesday, 8 April 1958, at 3.20 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 32 (Immunity of warships) and 33 (Immunity of other government ships) (continued)
Article 28 (The right of navigation) (concluded)
Article 29 (Nationality of ships) (concluded)
Article 30 (Status of ships) (concluded)
Article 31 (Ships sailing under two flags) (concluded)
27th meeting
Wednesday, 9 April 1958, at 10.15 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Additional article 31 A (concluded)
Article 32 (Immunity of warships) (concluded)
Article 33 (Immunity of other government ships) (concluded)
Additional article 33 A
Article 34 (Safety of navigation) (concluded)
Article 35 (Penal jurisdiction in matters of collision) (concluded)
Article 36 (Duty to render assistance) (concluded)
Articles 37 (Slave trade) and 38 to 45 (Piracy)
28th meeting
Wednesday, 9 April 1958, at 8.15 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 46 (Right of visit) and 47 (Right of hot pursuit)
29th meeting
Thursday, 10 April 1958, at 3 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 37 (Slave trade) (concluded)
Articles 38 to 45 (Piracy) (continued)
Article 48 (Pollution of the high seas)
30th meeting
Friday, 11 April 1958, at 10.20 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Additional article proposed by Denmark
Articles 38 to 45 (Piracy) (concluded)
Articles 61 to 65 (Submarine cables and pipelines)
31st meeting
Friday, 11 April 1958, at 8.35 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 46 (Right of visit) (concluded)
Article 47 (Right of hot pursuit) (concluded)
Article 48 (Pollution of the high seas) (concluded)
32nd meeting
Saturday, 12 April 1958, at 10.25 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 61 to 65 (Submarine cables and pipelines) (concluded)
Additional article proposed by Denmark (concluded)
Additional article proposed by Colombia
Additional article proposed by Portugal (continued)
Additional article 33 A (continued)
33rd meeting
Monday, 14 April 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Additional article proposed by Colombia (concluded)
Additional article 33 A (concluded)
Additional article proposed by Argentina, Ceylon, India and Mexico
34th meeting
Tuesday, 15 April 1958, at 2.45 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Additional article proposed by Portugal (concluded)
Additional article proposed by Argentina, Ceylon, India and Mexico (concluded)
Appointment of a Drafting Committee
Consideration of the kind of instrument required to embody the results of the Committee’s work
35th meeting
Wednesday, 16 April 1958, at 3.10 p.m.
Consideration of the kind of instrument required to embody the results of the Second Committee’s work (concluded)
36th meeting
Friday, 18 April 1958, at 3.30 p.m.
Consideration of the report of the Drafting Committee
37th meeting
Monday, 21 April 1958, at 3.05 p.m.
Consideration of the draft report of the Committee
Completion of the Committee’s work
Geneva, 24 February — 27 April 1958
Volume V:
Third Committee
(High Seas: Fishing: Conservation of Living Resources)
[Entries are hyperlinked]
Index to documents of the Third Committee
Officers of the Committee
Summary records of meetings
1st meeting
Wednesday, 26 February 1958, at 4.50 p.m.
Election of the Chairman
2nd meeting
Friday, 28 February 1958, at 4.25 p.m.
Election of the Vice-Chairman
Election of the Rapporteur
3rd meeting
Monday, 3 March 1958, at 3.20 p.m.
Organization of the work of the Committee
4th meeting
Wednesday, 5 March 1958, at 3.15 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 49 to 60) (A/3159)
General debate:
Statements by U Khin (Burma), Mr. Lima (El Salvador) and Mr. Ozores (Panama)
5th meeting
Monday, 10 March 1958, at 3 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 49 to 60) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued):
Statements by Mr. Lund (Norway), Mr. Panikkar (India), Mr. Indrambarya (Thailand), Mr. Chen (China) and Mr. Llosa (Peru)
6th meeting
Wednesday, 12 March 1958, at 3.15 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 49 to 60) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued):
Statements by Mr. Tsuruoka (Japan), Mr. Rigal, (Haiti), Mr. Krylov (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), Mr. Herrington (United States of America) and Mr. Kasuma (Indonesia)
7th meeting
Thursday, 13 March 1958, at 3 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 49 to 60) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued):
Statements by Mr. Wall (United Kingdom), Mr. de la Pradelle (Monaco), Mr. Thurmer (Netherlands), Mr. Hult (Sweden) and Mr. Michielsen (Belgium)
8th meeting
Friday, 14 March 1958, at 3.10 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 49 to 60) (A/ 3159) (continued)
General debate (continued):
Statements by Mr. Grau (Switzerland), Mr. Cusmai (Italy), Mr. Ruivo (Portugal), Mr. Krispis (Greece), Mr. Pfeiffer (Federal Republic of Germany),
Marquis de Miraflores (Spain) and Mr. Alloy (France)
9th meeting
Monday, 17 March 1958, at 1.10 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 49 to 60) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued):
Statements by Mr. Correa (Ecuador), Mr. Alvarez (Uruguay), Mr. Han (Republic of Korea), Mr. Cieglewicz (Poland), Mr. Popovic (Yugoslavia),
Mr. Ozere (Canada) and Mr. de Fonseka (Ceylon)
10th meeting
Tuesday, 18 March 1958. at 3.10 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 49 to 60) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued):
Statements by Mr. Bocobo (Philippines), Mr. Golemanov (Bulgaria), Mr. Shavit ((Israel), Mr. Mallin (Ireland) and Mr. Melo Lecaros (Chile)
11th meeting
Wednesday, 19 March 1958, at 3.20 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 49 to 60) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued):
Statements by Mr. Qureshi (Pakistan), Mr. Olafsson (Iceland), Mr. Gohar (United Arab Republic), Mr. Trejos Flores (Costa Rica) and Mr. Goncalves
12th meeting
Thursday, 20 March 1958, at 3 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 49 to 60) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (concluded):
Statements by Mr. Finn (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) and Mr. Castaneda (Mexico)
Organization of the Committee’s work (continued)
13th meeting
Friday, 21 March 1958, at 3.15 p.m.
Organization of the Committee’s work (continued)
14th meeting
Monday, 24 March 1958, at 3.10 p.m.
Organization of the Committee’s work (continued)
15th meeting
Tuesday, 25 March 1958, at 10.45 a.m.
Organization of the Committee’s work (continued)
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 50 (Definition of conservation of the living resources of the sea)
Articles 51 to 53 and article 56 (Competence of non-coastal States)
16th meeting
Wednesday, 26 March 1958, at 3.15 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 50 (Definition of conservation of the living resources of the sea) (continued)
17th meeting
Thurday, 27 March 1958, at 10.45 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/ 3159) (continued)
Article 50 (Definition of conservation of the living resources of the sea) (continued)
Articles 51 to 53 and article 56 (Competence of non-coastal States) (continued)
18th meeting
Friday, 28 March 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 51 to 53 and article 56 (Competence of non-coastal States) (continued)
19th meeting
Monday, 31 March 1958, at 10.40 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 51 to 53 and article 56 (Competence of non-coastal States) (continued)
20th meeting
Tuesday, 1 April 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 53 and 56 (Competence of non-coastal States) (continued)
21st meeting
Wednesday, 2 April 1958, at 10.10 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 56 (Competence of non-coastal States) (continued)
Articles 54 and 55 (Competence of coastal States)
22nd meeting
Thurday, 3 April 1958, at 3.5 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 54 and 55 (Competence of coastal States) (continued)
23rd meeting
Tuesday, 8 April 1958, at 3.15 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 54 and 55 (Competence of coastal States) ( continued)
24th meeting
Wednesday, 9 April 1958, at 2.45 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 54 and 55 (Competence of coastal States) (continued)
25th meeting
Thursday, 10 April 1958, at 3.15 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 55 (Competence of coastal States) (continued)
26th meeting
Thursday, 10 April 1958, at 8.15 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 55 (Competence of coastal States) (continued)
27th meeting
Friday, 11 April 1958, at 10.40 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 55 (Competence of coastal States) (continued)
28th meeting
Friday, 11 April 1958, at 8.15 p.m
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 57 to 59 (Peaceful settlement of disputes)
29th meeting
Saturday, 12 April 1958, at 10.20 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 57 to 59 (Peaceful settlement of disputes) (continued)
30th meeting
Saturday, 12 April 1958, at 3.40 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 57 to 59 (Peaceful settlement of disputes) (continued)
31st meeting
Monday, 14 April 1958, at 10.15 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 58 and 59 (Peaceful settlement of disputes) (continued)
32nd meeting
Monday, 14 April 1958, at 4.45 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Articles 58 and 59 (Peaceful settlement of disputes) (continued)
33rd meeting
Tuesday, 15 April 1958, at 10.20 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/ 3159) (continued)
Article 59 (Peaceful settlement of disputes) {continued)
Additional articles 59 A and 59 B proposed by Norway
Additional article proposed by the United Kingdom
Outstanding paragraphs in articles 52 to 56
34th meeting
Tuesday, 14 April 1958, at 3.20 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 60 (Fisheries conducted by means of equipment embedded in the floor of the sea)
Article 49 (Right to fish)
35th meeting
Wednesday, 16 April 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Additional article 59 B proposed by Norway (continued)
Additional article proposed by the United Kingdom (continued)
Additional article to follow article 49, proposed by Nepal
Proposals concerning claims to exclusive or preferential fishing rights on the basis of special conditions
36th meeting
Wednesday, 16 April 1958, at 8.45 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Proposals concerning claims to exclusive or preferential rights on the basis of special conditions (continued)
37th meeting
Thursday, 17 April 1958, at 10.25 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Draft resolution prepared by a working group composed of the representatives of Australia, Monaco and Nepal
Proposals concerning claims to exclusive or preferential rights based on special conditions (continued)
38th meeting
Friday, 18 April 1958, at 10 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Second reading of articles approved by the Third Committee on first reading
39th meeting
Monday, 21 April 1958, at 10.25 a.m.
Consideration of the kind of instrument required to embody the results of the Committee’s work
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Proposals concerning claims to exclusive or preferential rights based on special conditions (continued)
40th meeting
Monday, 21 April 1958, at 2.45 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Proposals concerning claims to exclusive or preferential rights based on special conditions (continued)
Second reading of articles approved by the Third Committee on first reading (continued)
Consideration of the kind of instrument required to embody the results of the Committee’s work (continued)
41st meeting
Monday, 21 April 1958, at 8.15 p.m.
Consideration of the kind of instrument required to embody the results of the Committee’s work (continued)
42nd meeting
Tuesday, 22 April 1958, at 10.35 a.m.
Consideration of the kind of instrument required to embody the results of the Committee’s work (continued)
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Proposals concerning claims to exclusive or preferential rights based on special conditions (continued)
Consideration of the Portuguese draft resolution on conservation measures in the adjacent high seas
43rd meeting
Wednesday, 23 April 1958, at 5.25 p.m.
Draft report of the Third Committee
Conclusion of the Committee’s work
Geneva, 24 February — 27 April 1958
Volume VI:
Fourth Committee
(Continental Shelf)
[Entries are hyperlinked]
Index to documents of the Fourth Committee
Officers of the Committee
Summary records of meetings
1st meeting
Wednesday, 26 February 1958, at 4.55 p.m.
Election of the Chairman
2nd meeting
Friday, 28 February 1958, at 4.30 p.m.
Election of the Vice-Chairman
Election of the Rapporteur
3rd meeting
Monday, 3 March 1958, at 10.45 a.m.
Organization of the work of the Committee
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the
International Law Commission at its eighth session
(articles 67 to 73) (A/3159)
General debate:
Statement by Mr. Gros (France)
4th meeting
Tuesday, 4 March 1958, at 3.15 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 67 to 73) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued):
Statements by Mr. Ruiz Moreno (Argentina), Mr. Sole Union South Africa), Mr. Ghil (Sweden), U Mya Sein (Burma), Miss Gutteridge (United Kingdom),
Mr. Kwei (China), Mr. Carl Stabel (Norway), Mr. Carbajal (Uruguay) and Mr. Rubio (Panama)
5th meeting
Friday, 7 March 1958, at 3.15 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (article 67 to 73) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued):
Statements by Mr. Krispis (Greece), Mr. Mouton (Netherlands) and the Marquis de Miraflores (Spain)
6th meeting
Monday, 10 March 1958, at 10.45 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 67 to 73) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued):
Statements by Mr. Pfeiffer (Federal Republic of Germany), Mr. Arreglado (Philippines) and Mr. Cacciapuoti (United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization)
7th meeting
Tuesday, 11 March 1958, at 11.00 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 67 to 73) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued):
Statements by Mr. Alvarez Aybar (Dominican Republic), Mr. Caicedo Castilla (Colombia), Mr. Letts (Peru) and Mr. Quarshie (Ghana)
8th meeting
Wednesday, 12 March 1958, at 10.45 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 67 to 73) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued):
Statements by Mr. Nikolic (Yugoslavia), Mr. Jhirad (India), Mr. Lutem (Turkey), Mr. Taaning (Denmark), Mr. Kanakaratne (Ceylon), Mr. Naficy
(Iran) and Mr. Baz (Lebanon)
9th meeting
Thursday, 13 March 1958, at 10.45 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 67 to 73) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued):
Statements by Mr. Tsuruoka (Japan), Mr. Gomez Robledo (Mexico), Mr. Ferreira Bossa (Portugal), Mr. Barros Franco (Chile), Mr. Gabrielli (Italy),
Mr. Rosenne (Israel) and Mr. de la Pradelle (Monaco)
10th meeting
Friday, 14 March 1958, at 10.45 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 67 to 73) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued):
Statements by Mr. Samad (Pakistan), Miss Whiteman (United States of America), Mr. Molodtsov (Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics), Mr. Carmona (Venezuela), Mr. Douik (Tunis) and Mr. Gros (France)
11th meeting
Monday, 17 March 1958, at 10.45 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 67 to 73) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (continued):
Statements by Mr. Zaorski (Poland), Mr. Belinsky (Bulgaria), Mr. Lee (Republic of Korea), Mr. Buu-Kinh (Republic of Viet-Nam), Mr. Lima (El Salvador), Mr. Garcia Amador (Cuba) and Mr. Osman (Indonesia)
12th meeting
Wednesday, 19 March 1958, at 10.50 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (articles 67 to 73) (A/3159) (continued)
General debate (concluded) :
Statements by Mr. Gomez Robledo (Mexico), Mr. Gohar (United Arab Republic), Mr. Jonsson (Iceland), Mr. Bailey (Australia), Mr. O’Sullivan
(Ireland), Mr. Carty (Canada) and Mr. Munch (Federal Republic of Germany)
13th meeting
Thursday, 20 March 1958, at 10.50 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 67
14th meeting
Thursday, 20 March 1958, at 3.15 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 67 (continued)
15th meeting
Friday, 21 March 1958, at 10.45 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Title of section III (articles 67 to 73)
Article 67 (continued)
16th meeting
Friday, 21 March 1958, at 3.15 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 67 (continued)
17th meeting
Monday, 24 March 1958, at 10 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 67 (continued)
18th meeting
Monday, 24 March 1958, at 3.20 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 67 (continued)
Article 68
19th meeting
Tuesday, 25 March 1958, at 10.15 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 67 (concluded)
Article 68 (continued)
20th meeting
Wednesday, 26 March 1958, at 10.15 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 68 (continued)
21st meeting
Wednesday, 26 March 1958, at 3.25 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 68 (continued)
22nd meeting
Thursday, 27 March 1958, at 3.30 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 68 (continued)
23rd meeting
Friday, 28 March 1958, at 10.25 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 68 (continued)
24th meeting
Friday, 28 March 1958, at 3 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 68 (continued)
25th meeting
Saturday, 29 March 1958, at 10.50 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 68 (continued)
Article 69
Statement by the Secretary-General
26th meeting
Monday, 31 March 1958, at 3.15 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 68 (concluded)
Additional article proposed by Cuba
Article 69 (continued)
27th meeting
Tuesday, 1 April 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 69 (concluded)
Article 70
28th meeting
Tuesday, 1 April 1958, at 3.25 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 71
29th meeting
Wednesday, 2 April 1958, at 3.20 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 71 (continued)
30th meeting
Thursday, 3 April 1958, at 9.45 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 71 (continued)
31st meeting
Tuesday, 8 April 1958, at 10.40 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 71 (concluded)
Article 72
32nd meeting
Wednesday, 9 April 1958, at 10.20 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 72 (continued)
33rd meeting
Wednesday, 9 April 1958, at 8.30 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 72 (concluded)
34th meeting
Thursday, 10 April 1958, at 10.25 a.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 73
35th meeting
Thursday, 10 April 1958, at 3.10 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (continued)
Article 73 (concluded)
36th meeting
Friday, 11 April 1958, at 2.45 p.m.
Consideration of the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission at its eighth session (A/3159) (concluded)
Proposal for an additional article on fisheries above the continental shelf
Establishment of a drafting committee
37th meeting
Tuesday, 15 April 1958, at 10.55 a.m.
Consideration of the kind of instrument required to embody the results of the work of the Committee
38th meeting
Wednesday, 16 April 1958, at 8.50 p.m.
Consideration of the kind of instrument required to embody the results of the work of the Committee (concluded)
39th meeting
Thursday, 17 April 1958, at 3.30 p.m.
Consideration of the draft final clauses
40th meeting
Thursday, 17 April 1958, at 8.45 p.m.
Consideration of the draft final clauses (continued)
41st meeting
Friday, 18 April 1958, at 10.45 a.m.
Consideration of the draft final clauses (concluded)
Consideration of the report of the drafting committee set up at the 36th meeting
42nd meeting
Friday, 18 April 1958, at 5.15 p.m.
Consideration of the draft report of the Committee
Geneva, 24 February — 27 April 1958
Volume VII:
Fifth Committee
(Question of Free Access to the Sea of Land-locked Countries)
[Entries are hyperlinked]
18th meeting
Friday, 11 April 1958, at 2.45 p.m.
Consideration of the proposals submitted to the Committee (A/CONF.13/C.5/L.10, L.15) (continued)
Appointment of a working party (continued)
Composition of the Working Party (continued)
19th meeting
Monday, 14 April 1958, at 2.45 p.m.
Consideration of the Working Party’s report (A/CONF. 13/C.5/L.16)
20th meeting
Tuesday, 15 April 1958, at 3 p.m.
Consideration of the proposals submitted to the Committee (A/CONF.13/C.5/L.15, L.17, L.18, L.20) (continued)
21st meeting
Tuesday, 15 April 1958, at 8.15 p.m.
Consideration of the proposals submitted to the Committee
(A/CONF. 13/C.5/L.15, L.17, L.18, L.20, L.21, L.23) (continued)
Consideration of the Working Party’s report (A/CONF.
13/C.5/L.16) (continued)
22nd meeting
Wednesday, 16 April 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Consideration of the proposals submitted to the Committee
(A/CONF. 13/C.5/L. 15, L.17, L.18, L.20, L.21, L.23) (continued)
23rd meeting
Wednesday, 16 April 1958, at 2.45 p.m.
Consideration of the proposals submitted to the Committee
(A/CONF. 13/C.5/L.15, L.24 to L.26) (continued)
24th meeting
Thursday, 17 April 1958, at 10.30 a.m.
Consideration of the proposals submitted to the Committee (A/CONF. 13/C.5/L.15, L.24 to L.26 (concluded)
Consideration of the Working Party’s report (A/CONF.
13/C.5/L.16, L.19) (concluded)
Further work of the Committee
25th meeting
Friday, 18 April 1958, at 8.15 p.m.
Consideration of the Fifth Committee’s draft report (A/CONF.13/C.5/L.27)
Completion of the work of the Fifth Committee

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